Government is looking to the private sector to assist in upgrading South Africa’s land ports with neighbouring countries. The upgrades will assist in improving regional trade between the Southern Africa Development Community, stop the illegal movement of goods and people, and assist in effective migration between the countries, according to the Department of Home Affairs. South Africa has 72 ports of entry, of which 53 are land ports of entry, 11 are international airports and eight are sea ports. The ports are managed and controlled by the Border Management Authority. Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi announced that six land ports of entry had been identified for infrastructure and security upgrades. These include Beitbridge linking SA to Zimbabwe, the Lembombo border post between SA and Mozambique, Maseru Bridge between SA and Lesotho, Ficksburg between SA and Lesotho, Kopfontein between South Africa and Botswana, and Oshoek between SA and Eswatini.
State wants private companies to upgrade SA's border posts
2023-09-06T15:25:34+01:00September 6th, 2023|