South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (Necsa) Group CEO Loyiso Tyabashe has credited the group’s R125-million profit (and total comprehensive income of R145-million) in the 2022/2023 financial year (which ended on March 31) to the strong group strategy adopted by the Necsa Board in August 2021 and vigorously implemented by management. In an exclusive interview with Engineering News Online, he expressed delight that the strategy had delivered such strong results is such a short period. The strategy has five pillars. The first of these is financial recovery and sustainability, which involves keeping control of costs and diversifying the income streams. He stressed that Necsa has not disposed of, or closed down, any of its operations, to achieve financial recovery, nor where there any job losses.
Necsa 2022/23 profit due to success of turnaround strategy
2023-09-19T11:26:13+01:00September 19th, 2023|